Memorial Day BBQ Menu

Now, it is the official start of summer. Time to get those grills going and start the summer fun!

Menu- International BBQ

Traditional with fixins- American or Cheddar Cheese, Bacon or Onions
Five Spice Burger served with pickled ginger
Chipotle Burger served with Queso Fresco- White Mexican Cheese and Mango Salsa

Hot Italian- Buy coiled Hot Italian Pork Sausage, parboil it, then put on the grill, serve like a hot dog.
German Brats- Parboil the brats in Beer until brats are done, then put on the grill, serve as a hot dog with mustard

Chicken and Fish
Traditional BBQ Chicken- Chicken is something that must be prebaked or else if you put raw chicken on a grill you will have chicken that is burnt on the outside and raw on the inside.
When you put it on the grill, leave for 15 min, then at the last 5 min. of grilling slather with your favorite BBQ sauce.

Rosemary Grilled Halibut- Fish cooks very fast, but you literally have to take it from the fridge on the grill, I love to put rosemary, olive oil, and veggies on it and put it in a foil steam pouch for 10 min. on the grill.

New Potato Salad with Greek Yogurt and Dill Sauce
Corn on the Cob
Asian Cole Slaw made with Apple Cider Vinegar instead of Mayo

Watermelon Slices
Ice- Cream
Smores if you have a fire pit.


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