This Month is All About Love...

We did our 21 Days to a New Program and I hope everyone is still working on the steps. Again continue to work the program in the areas that you are the most weak and seek professional counseling, if needed.

February is all about LOVE!! Manhattan is busy with Fashion Week, too many models and designers to count, the stores all have red out and the some chocolatiers even open their doors so you can get a whiff of their amazing goods.

This is all good but do you really LOVE yourself. We'll get into romantic love later this month, how many of us will go into debt again trying to get someone's attention's who is emotionally bankrupt--family member or just doesn't care--significant other.

The month of LOVE is all about loving yourself and treating yourself with respect in all areas, finance, career, health, etc, so we can be available for the very best that life has to offer.

Cheers to the Month of LOVE!


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