Book Report: Dear Preston

As an event planner I can remember being in awe when I saw Melissa Rivers Winter Wonderland Wedding. It was amazing the colors the theme was great, then when Oprah first launched O Magazine and showed the pictures of her launch party, another breath taking event.

I had to find out who was the person who was behind such greatness, it was Preston Bailey. Preston Bailey still is the most sought after event planner in the world.

He wrote a book Dear Preston, A Friendly Guide to Creating and Having Your Own Creative Services Business,  I immediately bought the book and found the contents of the book to be very eye opening.

Preston Bailey talked about event planners know about this, you get a client who wants to meet with you then picks your brain for 30 min., then when you follow up with them, they "decided to go a different direction" only to find out that they themselves are implanting your ideas. Which he called and I agree is theft. But he said he use to get so angry when people did this, remember the first book, anger blocks the flow of your goodness, he himself noticed business started to decline.

He also shares how another event planner was asked to do Oprah's big 50 Birthday Bash, and other events and he admitted he got jealous; how could this happen? Remember another blockage to the flow of goodness is jealousy. His business started to decline again, so what did he do?

He took a iternal thermometer and checked himself, and realized that if someone hasn't signed an exclusive contract with you, then they are free to hire whom they please. Second, he asks clients to bring to him what they want from an event planner, create their own vision board and after the contract is signed and they become clients,then he gives his best ideas. Third, he shares is information, Preston Bailey has an online school for anyone who wants to become an event and wedding planner of course there are fees associated with the course and you the person must generate your own client list.

But, even if you aren't going into the event planning space, this book clearly is the most transparent in that a guru to admit his own internal flaws and constructive ways he went to solve his and his businesses problems.

His next book on flowers comes out this April in time for Bridal Season!

Cheers to Dear Preston!!!


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