Reasons to Eat Local and Seasonal

Among foodies there is a big push to eat local and seasonal. However, what does that mean?

When I was at dinner the other day with a couple from New Mexico, they talked about the seafood restaurant made everyone sick because the seafood was delayed and often served to customers when the product was bad.

They told me that many land locked states such as New Mexico and Colorado have this problem.

So I read a book by Mark Bittman years ago that stressed the importance of eating locally and fresh and farm to table.

I noticed my weight and skin out of whack this year, as I began to eat less processed food and shop at local farmers market, the weight began to fall off , skin cleared and moods improved greatly.

Also, it is less expensive to eat local and seasonal. This month in terms of sweets apples and pumpkins are in season so apple brown betty, apple turnovers, apple spice cake, baked apples with local honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla, etc. Same for pumpkins...

So every state has local farmers markets where everyone has local farmers markets. And many farmers markets have frequent shoppers programs and accept EBT benefits.

Cheers to good eats!


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