Beauty Spot: Ponds and Simple and Clarins

Beauty Spot:

We are on the party circuit in NYC with galas and holiday gatherings. It can be very harsh on the face, so what are ladies to do?

I discovered a couple of products that are great!

1. Ponds--Cleansing Cloths it is actually make up removal that if you have been out late and don't feel like exfoliating then this is the next best thing.

2. Simple Facial Scrub- This product came from our counter parts across the pond in London. It is paraben free use it MWF and it is amazing and adds moisture to your skin.

3. Clarins- Super Restorative Night Cream this is a liquid face lift I think. It is amazing it adds moisture and elasticity back into the skin, it was actually formulated in Paris by a Parisian doctor in WWI to heal soldiers from war wounds.

Cheers to holiday partying without it taking a toll on your skin!


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