Treasure Hunt Day: What Does $25.00 buy you?

In the age of uber luxury we took a break and went on a "Treasure Hunt"

What does $25.00 buy a person?

We a gift card from target and there clearance sales were an extra 10 percent off?
Here's what we got:
1. 3 lightweight layers sweaters
2. Thick knit gorgeous hat with a big pom pom on top
3. A pair of warm gloves
4. 2 Nickel free earrings

We love to read and write! Barnes and Noble had a 50 percent off clearance sale.
1.Fashion- Coffee Table Book
2. Sophie Kinsella's book- The Wedding Night
3. Bobby Brown's Pretty Powerful Book

1. 5 free nail polished with our discount card
2. 4 Body Washes with a buy one free offer with our store discount card.

So yes, for each category we were able to buy some amazing items for $25.00.

Cheers to saving a buck when necessary!


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