Giving Your Client the Best

We have to revist event planning again.

Many people are very busy and when someone comes to a panel discussion, they want the best information always.

Several people are in charge of groups but have no idea how to give the client the best information.

These are my 5 essential tips on planning great speaking events:

1. Based on the bios of the speakers, give the speakers an internal agenda or speaking points,  3 weeks before the event for them to clear it with legal and public relations.

2. The week of the event resend the agenda to confirm the speaking points are acceptable.

3. Two weeks before the event send out an email to your audience requesting thought provoking questions,  make it a contest to get the best questions.

4. Speaker check in ask the speaker what questions they would not entertain or cannot speak about.

5. Day of the event give out agendas to the audience regarding the format of the evening.

Following this formula guarantees event success,  it builds trust with the speaker that you abided by their requests, and gave them an audience that provided appropriate thought provoking questions. 
Also the audience/client will be a repeat customers because great information was provided.

Cheers to client satisfaction!


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