Digital Media:Finding the Right Fit for Your Company

Many executives are confused what form of digital media to use when?

Here's my take:
If you are in the following fields:
Fashion, Beauty: Use Instagram,  Pinterest then link your physical publication from those posts. Also use You Tube  and Periscope for tutorials and to livestream your Fashion Shows or Product Launches.

We no longer do Beauty Spots on this blog because most people want instant pics that they can go to the store easily and purchase so we use Instagram instead and it is a win/ win every time.

Media: Gaming, TV,  Movies:
Use Snapchat and the Vine for teasers for future releases and to purchase products and movie tickets, For Contests Twitter gets the most traction among Millienials and Gen Z.

Automotives: Cars, Bikes, Motorcylces
Instagram linked into a You Tube  or Vine video.
Twitter is great for specials and to reach a wider audience that has a link to the new comercial.

Many companies use Facebook for mass promotions and Twitter for paid advertisements, but your social media person should know the demographics of each. Are you a luxury company trying to promote a new product line most likely your consumers are savvy to the new forms of social media.

So after R and D comes out with that product really examine and target what forms of social media will give you the best ROI based on industry.

Cheers to the proper use of social media.


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