Tech Day NY Recap

On a cold April day thousands of New Yorkers lined up to get a glispe of the future.

It was NY Tech Day, which are free demo days in national cities, Dahlia who is Director of Community caught up with us to give us the reason for NY Tech Day.

She told us that this day came out of theb)b need to bring startups, investors, job seekers and mature businesses together to give them an opportunity to showcase their business, fínd investors and employees. This is the fourth year and biggest year in terms of startups demos, and people who have registered.
In terms of women in tech, and representing technology businesses, the percentage is 38 percent, which is on par with the national average.

Dahlia told us that the big trend in the tech market this year will be the on  demand service businesses, which includes everything from doctors on demand, alcohol, cleaning and of course beauty on demand services.

She told us what differs this Tech Fair from others is that everyone pays one flat rate, so an Uber and be along side a business that just started last week, by doing so it levels the playing field for startups and it gives job seekers a way to connect with future employers.

Job seekers who also want to take a course could check out classes at General Assembly or Columbia University through Columbia Tech, which has  classes on campus and at We Works co working spaces.

Thanks Dahlia who is in the middle of planning of Silicion Beach or Tech Day LA in June.


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