Getting Ready for Summer Soirees Blogger Style

Our social calendar for the summer is packed; however we needed a bit more clothing. What is a blogger to so with all of the summer soirees and appearances?

We went to our first blogger clothing swap on a weekend that BBQ's were a blaring; however we needed clothes!

Our great friend organized everything a the wonderful rustic co- working space that will transport you the Adronidacks called @thefarmsoho. Many bloggers filed in with bags of clothes that we got from sales or from sponsors.

What did we score?
We scored 3 amazing dresses one of which, I am wearing to an awards show and another one I wore to formal concert. A few tops that with the right accessories can be worn dressed up and dressed down.

What did we give?
Loads of unused clothes that we really had to ask ourselves are we ever going to wear this or some pieces were I bought it, but it would look better on another body type. The main reason we gave because it felt good and it was helping our community look and feel better.

The snacks were great and there is a company that provided us with boxed water. Boxed water? Yes plastic water bottles can BPA's that can be cancer causing agent. So this company uses materials that are all recycled and contains not BPA's how cool is that! Check it out and order yours at +boxedwater

So we got our amazing wardrobe, accessories, made new friends, helped pick out clothes for bloggers clients, but what is wearing an amazing dress without smooth legs. That is when our friends at Schick came through and provided us with the latest in razors and morroccan oil based shave cream, thanks @schickhydrosilk and +Skintimate.

Now we got everything in order except for our hair where we were given dry shampoo that contains no parabens and is amazing htttp:// shampoo.

The most impressive thing about missing BBQ day out East was the organizer Evelyn, who is a sixteen year old fashion and lifestyle blogger who is passionate about fostering community, branding and event planning, yeah +Harvard University, you may want her to speak at the Fashion Blogging course this upcoming semester.

Thanks to our host @thefarmsoho and if you book an event with them they will have a discount for you check them out.

Cheers to our new summer wardrobe, a great afternoon, and our awesome host!


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