Technology Breakthroughs In Health

When is the last time you visited someone who had a chronic illness?

Did you ever get nervous when left alone with that person for fear of they got sick, you would not know how to handle the situation?

Even if you call 911, they ask you for the person's symptoms and other health related questions.

However, the pharmaceutical company Merck has a wonderful digital download cheat sheet that is mobile for symptoms, most common ailments, and pill identification.

There is a professional version available.

The reason I like this product is when you visit the elderly or your friend, you do not have to be fearful should an emergency arises.

Now, this is not for self diagnosis or diagnosing others out of the blue, but it is a wonderful resource that gives anyone peace of mind, especially if that some one is a parent or a sibling.

They even have a Trending Health Topics, which lists common medical tests, so if you have to go for a test and need some reassuring this is the go to site.

The site is

Again thanks to Merck for putting our minds at ease when it comes to our medical needs.


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