NY Eve: Beauty Tips

You got the dress, heels, and purse now what??

Your beauty regime for NYE should start tonight.

1. Make certain that your facial cleanser is not harsh or will strip you of essentials oils.

2. My favorite all over moisturizer is NOW's Sweet Almond Oil, however when you use face oil's DO NOT put another moisturizer on top of it, this will cause clogged pores.

3. Make- Up: Use a face primer before you apply your foundation this will allow the make-up to stay on with out retouching through out the night.

4. Foundation: My favorite is Clinique Concealer and Foundation all in one, works wonders.

5. Cheeks: If you are bi-racial, you need to go with a blush that is on the orange or tangerine side, this will give you a pop of color, pink blush will blend into your skin and make you look washed out.
My Favorite Blush: Cargo in Melon.

6. Eyes: Liquid Eyeliner is the best for staying power, and the ultimate mascara is Make- Up is forever, this will give your lashes that pop with out using false eye lashes.
Lids: Use the same face primer for your lids, eye shadow should compliment your dress, so if you are wearing red, a rose gold will match fine!

7. Lips: Red Lips no matter the occasion looks great, however matte first then gloss on top, or just plain matte red for no retouches during the evening.

8. Nails: I love a little sparkle so go with gold or silver besides it matches any outfit.

Cheers to 2016 and looking your best!


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