New Year's : Southern Brunch

Everyone was Hungover, from last night and all you had were some dry toast, and ginger ale.

So here is what we cooked up:

1. Buttermilk Fried Chicken

2. BBQ Chicken

3. Cornbread

4. Kale Salad

5. Root Beer Floats for Dessert

Buttermilk Fried Chicken:
1. Clean chicken in lemon and vinegar
2. Soak chicken in buttermilk with four packages of fresh thyme overnight
3. Dredge the chicken in flour seasoned with thyme and chili powder
4. Place the chicken in hot vegetable oil for 15 min. per side.
5. When chicken is done you put on a paper towel to drain the excess.

BBQ Chicken:
1. Clean chicken in lemon and vinegar
2. Season with salt and pepper
1. Molasses
2. 1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar
3. Tomato Sauce or Crushed Tomato's
4. 2 Cans of Root Beer

Make sauce separately.

Bake chicken when chicken is half baked then pour half of the sauce on the chicken.

After chicken is thoroughly baked pour the other half of the sauce on the chicken.
Plate and enjoy!!

Make cornbread with three boxes of Jiffy Cornbread for one serving. Soften Butter add honey and freeze.

Kale Salad
1. Wash kale and dry it.
2. Make a dressing using vinegar fresh chives and thyme
3. Pour dressing over kale.


Rootbeer Floats

Take high quality ice cream and root beer and put in a glass and serve it with a long straw.

Cheers to your Southern Brunch!


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