Real Lemonade: Nicky the Brow Lady

No, we didn't get an interview with Beyonce!

But, we did have a chance to meet the most inspiring women in the beauty business "The Brow Lady."

This weekend an esthetician named Nicky did a pop- up shop for Eyebrows in NYC. While speaking to Nicky, I wanted to know what made her solely focus on eyebrows.

She informed me that she was a West Coast make up artists for a major movie studio, until her mother and aunt had breast cancer at different times of her life.

Nicky notice that eyebrows are the first thing that a person loses when they are under going chemotherapy. She wanted both her mom and aunt to feel special so, she rededicated her craft to eyebrows.

Nicky works her magic by not only giving all women that perfect shaped brow, but  if a person wants tattoo eyebrows she is highly skilled in that, her unique technique allows her to use mircofibers to give a woman that perfect shaped brow, which last two years.

Nicky has launched her own eyebrow kit, which includes a highlighter for the brow bone that gives you a shimmer without having to use eye primer.

I have used her products for the entire day and it is amazing! The majority of eyebrow kits have liners and fillers that are way too light and look ridiculous. Also the brow gel is very light yet is lasting.

And the shading palette for a smoky eye is great, but does not look as though I have two black eyes.

I highly recommend you check out her complete line at

Cheers to making a highly successful business when life hands you lemons!


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