Beauty Spot : Fall Review Part1

Ok, so it's the second week in October and most of the new beauty products for the rest of the year have been released.

This is what we learned :
Highlighters, Sephora has a great one in champagne and when you mix it with your  foundation, especially for under the the eye it does the most amazing job. Better than a concealer would have done. Plus it brightens your entire eyes.

Maybelline Cosmetics :
We had a ton of coupons for this line we went to a high end CVS, yes they have those in NYC and we tried their bold line.
The Bold Line is highly pigmented and really shocking colors.
So we took the Violet Bold Lipstick and Color Jolt from their New York line in 40 Violet Rebel.  The results were amazing and beautiful.
We lined the lips with Violet Bold Lipstick  and filled in the lips with Color Jolt which is a gloss. And we paired this with a bright blue blouse and it looked amazing.

Also from Maybelline the new macaras, one is Falsie Drama and the other is Angel.
The Drama is great for the evening and the Angel gives a great lift and is not that dramatic but if you are going to brunch it's  fine.

This in a brown is great for filling in those brows and it creates a great look for day or night without it being so overly dramatic.

Kevin Acoiyn
Dark color in deep burgundy or merlot is amazing,  it is a matte lipstick and you can  wear it the whole day without it coming off at all.

If you want just a little shimmer to brighten the dark wines and browns, then NYX has a  great gold gloss that looks  amazing put it in the middle of your lips after you applied the dark lipstick and you are set for the night.

So that our Beauty Spot part One

Cheers to looking your best no matter the price point!


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