Beauty Prep for NYFW

By this time your calendar should be booked with shows that you want or need to see.

So how do you prep your face for the step and repeats and the endless photographs.

1. Make sure you use Micellar Facial Cleanser

2. Then a soft gentle cleanser such as Grace cleanser.

3. To tighten pores use a rose scented witchazel that you can buy

4. If your face is dry then use a face oil.

Repeat twice a day.

My personal prep is :

1. beauty flash balm.

2. facial masks for both day and night.

3. Facial Oil is

Hair is a must, my go to is they have a wonderful fluidose which is a deep conditioner that takes the most brittle hair and makes it gorgeous, it opens at 6 am, get their early!

If your are in between coloring, my go to coloring spray is, it does amazing things in terms of covering all roots and it is so gentle and non toxic. All of their products are amazing!

Two days before Fashion Week, get a professional facial, for extractions, waxing, and eyebrow arching.

OK if your spa is booked til after fashion week, High End Department Stores are offering the same services, my go to is, so I can get the make up I need and some needed retail therapy.

Cheers to getting your Beauty Prep for #NYFW see you on the red carpet!


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