Glam for Less: How to Look and Feel Great for Less

Many on the outside who look at me say wow, she has some big bucks!!

In reality I just know how to bargain hunt really well, with the exception of a few things.

These are my tried and true tips for looking your best and getting the maxium experiences out of life.

1. When updating your wardrobe look for jeans that are on trend but have a BOGO sale, the wide jean and culottes are big this year so so I got two pairs of jeans for the price of one.

2. Haircare: If you go to your local salon ask when there weekly specials are, same if you go to a local place for waxing needs. Chain hair salons such as or waxing chains have a point system, so if you are regular ask how many points do you have or need for braiding or an updo, they will give you points even if you buy products.

3. Samples: You heard about a product you really love, but you aren't sure if it will work on skin or perfume is for you, then go to and ask for a sample the samples are free and just good for one use.

4. Keep up with the news! If you hear about a store closings or downsizings such as or run, because some stores will not liquidate immediately, what they will do is have secret sales, so in terms of high end accessories, I have gotten some great deals on accessories that will make you do a double take.

5. On Trend! The Roses bathrobe that Katy Perry wore in her video, the same material we got in a skirt for 14.00 in a final sale at , with a red body suit that we bought on sale, everything is coming up roses for us!

6. Experiences: So you didn't get into official NYFW shows, however if you check out major retailers such as, and even hotels such as the you will find they have fashion shows from emerging designer, discounted tickets on events.

We hope that you enjoy your life and have a great time all for less!




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