Prepping for Summer with items for Playdates, Spring Cleaning and House Guests

We were in Target just the other day and looking through the 1.00 to 3.00 bins and what did we find???

We found all 1.00 Dr. Seuss playing card decks for the kids we found erasers, pencils, stickers, sticker books, and bags to match the theme of the party. Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish Two Fish things perfect for a child's party or summer play date with the kids. Newer items such as Finding Dory, Trolls were 3.00 but they are still new for kids. The standards such as  Elsa from Frozen, Batman, Stars Wars and also in the 1.00 bin and of course all of these items were authentic, Target only is allowed to sell licensed products from Disney and certain authors.

Even mini cans of play dough were .99 cents and dig in the back of aisles and what did we find authentic Hot Cars for .90 cents each and packs of 4 were 4.00, so if your kids are having play dates this summer bring along a gift bag of goodies one for your child and the other and watch them have loads of fun.

The total on everything was 30.00, but now is the time to stock up.

Also, Spring Cleaning time to get your house in order or go to your summer home and start to run the pipes and clean the deck and the pool and assess if you need a new grill or fire pit.

We found great deals on all your Spring Cleaning needs from laundry detergent online at Target that you can send directly to your home and to your summer home without lugging 50 lbs. all around. Same for water, Poland Spring does so direct delivery service, this is something worth investing in because who wants to get injured while buying groceries.

If you have a summer home or live in a major city where out of town guests are expected then you need to start from now to stock pile travel size items, you will be amazed by the sheer number of people who forget toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, shaving cream, razors. I like to prepare a hospitality basket in room where people are staying this way, if they forget incidentals they don't have to ask or make an extra trip out of there vacay, just for these items.

Also, for the women I like to order several different subscription boxes and this way the things I know I am not going use that is current, I will put in her hospitality basket.

Great way for prepping for the summer.

Cheers to summer prep!!


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