Subscribtion Box Battles: Fab Fit Fun vs. Target- Natural and Regular

Back to battle:

Fab Fit Fun has been in the subscription boxing arena for years!

But, it underwent some major management changes, however we decided to give it a try again.

Fab Fit Fun-- is a quarterly box and it is filled with amazing things:
All of their products are not samples!
They had products such as wraps for the bed or picnic blanket, earrings, full size product of Dr. Brandt Microdermabrasion, Karua face masks four in a box, and a MILLY bag for your wet suit, all of these products retail well over 45.00 each.

Target Box--
This month Target tried something new and put together an all natural box and a regular box.

Target has an all natural box which has samples of Espom Salt Soak, Raw Sugar Body Wash, Yes to Charcoal Face Mask, Hello Toothpaste, etc.

Target's regular box has products such has  full size Sally Hansen nail enamel top coat and base, full size Rimmel London Eye Pencil, and mini shampoo's, etc.

The combination costs of both boxes were 47.00, but the actual dollar value is close to 350.00.

So many great things, plus Fab Fit Fun has a coupon section where you can go and shop for the brands that you crave all at a discounted price.

The two Target Boxes have a 3 dollar off coupons for 15.00 each of hair, health, and beauty items.

So who won the battle? It is a toss because they both provided amazing products at a great cost.

Cheers to amazing subscription boxes at a discount!


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