Brunch Alert: How to Create Restaurant Quality Muffins from a Box Mix

It is the fall season and some of us are preparing for Brunches with our significant others, meeting the perspective in laws, or just hanging with the girls
So how do you create award-winning tasting muffins from a box?
1. Cranberry Orange Muffin Mix:
Take a package of dried cranberries and rehydrate them in orange juice, put them into the mix.
2. Lemon Poppy Mix: Juice 4 Myers Lemons and put them into the mix.
3. Blueberry Muffins: Take fresh blueberries and throw them into the mix.
4. Carrot Cake Mix, turn them into Morning Glory muffins by adding fresh grated carrots, chopped nuts, and reasons into the mix.

These are simple ways to turn the regular into the spectacular.



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