Beating the Winter Blues..

Winter can be a bit dreary, by 4:30pm it is pitch black, snow can keep you in for days and traffic is at it's worst.

Here are some things that help you beat the Winter Blues::

1. Volunteer Once A Month-
Even if it is an hour to a shelter or sorting clothes for a thrift store, just spend one day to get out of your own drama. You will be amazed at the feeling of gratitude that you get when unselfishly volunteer.

2. Light a candle for several virtues:
1. Peace
2. Love
3. Joy
4. Harmony
5. Gratitude

Make certain that the candle is a water bath, very important.

3. Take a dance class or download your favorite itunes and get to moving!
If you remember listening to what era conjures up the most happy memories, then listen to those songs.

4. Embrace Beauty!
Go to the Museum and sit and admire art up close. Go to you local libary and take out books on famous painters, and sculptuers. Even admire the pristine glistening when the snowfalls, before the plows come through.

5. Once again Gratitiude-
Start with 5 things, you are grateful for everyday.

Cheers to a HAPPY WINTER!!


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