Call all U.S. Entrepreneurs!

 As everyone knows we are a big fan of business and captialism and we support some really great businesses at Positivexpert.

We live in a great country that promotes free enterprise; yet people go hungry in the United States everyday.

We live in this great country where a daughter of a "domestic" can ascend into being a world wide media billionaire; yet there are women who in your town who have to go into prostitution in order to avoid being homeless or take provocative pictures in order to pay for college or pay down student debt.

To everyone who has an entreprenuerial itch, I say now is the perfect time and opportunity to create businesses that will employ smart, motivated, and able people to help not only carry out your dream,and advance the American economy.

We live in an exciting time where U.S. Entreprenuers can catapult the economy and reclaim America.

So, if you are a start up don't ask your college buddy to leave his corporate job to help you build your dream.

Go to  the local unemployment office in your county and ask who wants to work. If you know of a start- up who is looking to hire suggest your neighbor you had to move back with their parents because of hard times and who is looking for a break.

If that doesn't motivate you go to your local food bank and "Ask who wants a job so they don't have to wait for SNAP benefits."

Get to thinking and get to innovating!

Cheers to the Rebirth of America!


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