Charity Spotlight: Harboring Hearts: Emergency Fund

Let's take a break from the Fashion Action and focus on giving back for a minute.

Harboring Hearts is a  national 501 (c) 3 charity that provides assistance to families of cardiac patients, it was founded by a brave young woman Michelle Javian, whose family spent over a year caring for her father as he underwent a heart transplant at the Cardiac Center at NY Presbyterian Hospital.

During her hospital visits she noticed many families at the hospital, didn't have a place to stay as most of them were from outside the NYC area, when she would visit her father, she would bring extra pillows, and order trays of home cooked food for them.

Unfortunately, Michelle's father lost his battle with heart disease, however this did not stop Michelle from providing assistance to the families who still need this vital service, she founded Harboring Hearts. Harboring Hearts has expanded from pillows to food and provides temporary housing to out of town families, family fun days at area hospitals, and heart disease awareness programs.

Harboring Hearts NEEDS our assistance, in order to continue these vital programs, Harboring Hearts has launched a 5 week crowd funding campaign called #STARTARYOT it ends on Sept. 24 and their goal is to raise 25,000 to expand their programs.

The link is, let's meet the goal of 25,000 and help the families of cardiac patients.

Cheers to doing good!!


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