Tailgating Recipe- Slow Cooked Short Ribs

Sports season is here and you decide to go tailgating.

What do you do when you get invited to a tailgating party?

Tailgating can go from the very lavish- lobster and rib eye steaks, to just hamburgers and hot dogs.

This recipe is sure to make anyone crowd, cheer for joy.

Slow Cooked Short Ribs:
1. 10 lbs. of beef short ribs
2. 2 Cases of Gusiness Stout Beer
3. 10 Bay Leafs
4. 1/2 Cup Brown Sugar
5. 5 Sprigs of Thyme
6. Five Sliced Onions

Wash the meat with water and lemon juice. Marinade the meat in roasters with the beer, bay leafs, sugar and thyme for a day, so two days before the game.

The night before game day at 7pm put the meat in the oven for 350 degrees.

Short ribs are a very tough cut of meat so the alcohol breaks down the meat, but you still need to slow cook the ribs for about 5 hours min. At midnight turn off the meat allow it to cool then put meat in the fridge.

Early morning of game day 6am put the meat back in the oven at 350 degrees until you are ready to leave. This way it will ensure the meat is hot, tender, and the all of the flavors are in the meat.

Package the ribs separately and for the gravy put that in a separate air tight container.

Bring Rolls to serve with the delicious beef.

Cheers to a delicious tailgating party and great ribs that everyone will love!


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