Before the GUESTS Arrive!!!

Nov. and Dec. this when we have all of our family members over.

Good times for everyone and all around!

Think again!!

Last year I shared with you that a distant relative came over for Thanksgiving one year, just to shop and that was it and all that the family planned was insignificant.

Anyway, before you get your feelings hurt and spend money you can't get back, when someone asks you if they can visit.

Sit down with your hubby and make a list of what we will and will not tolerate in our house.:
  1. For example, we understand that you are madly in love, but this isn't Motel 6, so please refrain from having sex in our home.
  2. From occasion we enjoy a glass of wine with our meal, however according to Federal Law we can't allow minors under the age of 21 to drink in our home.
  3. We want you to enjoy yourself and our home, however certain rooms are off limits- Your Bedroom.
  4. We want to you to enjoy the nightlife this town has to offer, please call us at 1 am to let us know your plans for the night for safety reasons.
  5. We also don't tolerate cursing whatever.....
The worse thing in the world is have a vacation ruined because other's lack of respect, therefore you should protect your home and family.

If people have an issue, then they won't come and those are the people that you really didn't need to have in your home.

Cheers to a Great House Guests!


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