Gift Giving Guide: Business Associates

We are now in the Holiday Gift Giving Season.

Here is a helpful guide for giving people who have a made a difference in your business:

Nice elegant business gifts under $100.00

Chocolate-- Who doesn't love it?

1. Bourbon Balls is a fun, whimsical and delicious way to say "thank you to your business associates, they cost 9.95 and you can order 3 for the entire office without breaking the bank.

2. Sea Salt Caramels again from they are so good if you want to blow your entire diet for the year, then this is the item. Price check: 24.95 so you can buy two boxes for $50.00 for an entire office.

3. Toffee--Plenty of toffee makers now, no don't go to drug store and buy Werther's Original, not cool, but the best toffee in town is 2 lbs. gift box in two flavors for $52.00, my favorite flavors are: Milk Chocolate Pecan and Dark Chocolate.

4. KIND BARS-- KINDS bars are great! They have a decorative assorted box for the Holidays that has over 35 bars for under $50.00, deal at

For men this goes over really well. These are my choices: Once again use judgment, if you know someone has issues, don't open Pandora's Box.

1.Patron Tequila Silver--1/5 is 35.00
2.Rum-- Angostura the original maker of bitters is from 14.00 for the light to 25.00 for the dark rum.
3.Cognac-- Henessey you can't go wrong with this...
4. Bourbon--Wild Turkey

Coffee Table Books:
1.Fashionista Businesses Associate:
FASHION it is an 11lb. book all things fashion and fashion related from Dolly Madison, to Dior. Amazing!!

2.Beauty Associate:
A book on plants, this sounds weird, but when I was in the process of not launching my own line, I bought a book on the nature of plants it is so amazing where certain perfumes come from and the same plant that is used to make tequila, is used for Agave Nectar, is used for medicine and beauty products.

3. Techie Co- Founder:
A History of Math and Machines: Remember Binary numbers in second grade, we still use them today in coding, they would appreciate it.


Jo Malone:
Grapefruit for $

Nest Fragrances: 6
Votives for $
My favorite Mint and Moss, that is the one thing that I would stockpile!

Tory Burch:
Orange--Citrus and Grass Wonderful and the Packaging is amazing.$ 45.00
Brown--- Bergmont is manly but not overpowering $45.00

1. Anything Homemade: Crosses the line into too personal, especially food.
2. Anything Travel Related: Subliminally suggests "hooking up."
3. Anything Clothing Related: Unless you work directly in the Fashion Business, don't go there at ALL!

Cheers to wonderful gifting to the people who make our business associates who make our lives a lot easier!


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