Gift List: Book Lover

Yes there are people like myself, who would greatly appreciate these gifts.

Membership to the Young Lions or Patrons Group of the New York Public Library. They have great tributes to new and established authors and every spring the Young Lions group host an amazing gala which honors an upcoming literary notable.

Collection of Someone's Favorite's Childhood Books:
Dr. Seuess
Where the Wild Things Are
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz written in 1900 by Frank Baum
Sheldon Silver books

Membership to Barnes and Noble:
Free Shipping on all books
Guaranteed discounts on all books
Special members sale.

Private Tour of the New York Public Library:
You know where Carrie Bradshaw was suppose to get married...
The architecture of this building is amazing and every writer, I know loves spending time in the Rose Room.

Cheers to the wonderful gifts for the book lovers in you!


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