21 Days to New You! : Change Your External Environment

Hey Posititive Peeps!

Everyone is doing the 21 Day Juice Fast, No Sugar Fast, or No Meat Fast. We are doing a 21 Day Negativity Fast!

We noticed that people were a lot more anxious and on edge last year, some people say it was because it was the year "13."

We truly believe that a lot of people allowed to be sucked into negativity and became unbearably negative.

So for Day One Limit Your External Environment:
No News or Gossip Sites for 21 Days, I know we all want to know the whereabouts of certain people. We need to condition our mind to receive as much positive information as feeling as possible.

If you are hunkered down because of the frigid temperatures, don't give into marathon's of certain negative shows or hours of news.

The most profound book that I ever read pertaining to this was written by Bryon Katie,  she ask simple questions she asks of everyone:

Whose business are you in?
Your business
Other People's Business
or God's Business.

The more we focus on our mission and goals and limit negative information, we set an amazing course for ourselves in surpassing our original intended goals.

Cheers to Minding our Business and Changing our External Environment!


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