21 Days to a New You: Clothes

Remember the Oprah Winfrey Show makeover's?

They found people who stuck in what seemed like the pre-historic age or others who were 50 wearing their teenage daughters clothes.

Huh?? We live now in an age where you can look current and fresh and appropriate on every level.

However, if you need assistance on updating your wardrobe then go to Nordstrom, Nieman Marcus, Dillard's and high end department store and ask to speak with a personal shopper, they will surely measure you and show you the latest styles that compliment you body type and lifestyle.

If you don't have time for that then, there are stylist companies such as Keaton Row, whose stylist are well versed in fashion and would be more than happy to work with you according to their hourly fee.

Cheers to sprucing up your wardrobe!


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