Fall Time: Soup's On!

In the northeast- Fall is all about cold weather and sometimes damp weather, so after long day you will need something to warm you up.

Here are my two recipes that are proven to be delish.

Thai Chicken Noodle Soup:

Marinade overnight half of cup of low sodium soy sauce
Fresh Garlic
Fresh Grated Ginger
1 bottle of organic ginger beer

The next morning in a soup pot put the marinaded with liquid and chicken into a soup pot and cover with water on a low simmer- slow cooking is key.

Then 20 min. before you are ready to serve put in Soba Noodle or Asian Rice Noodles to the pot.

Serve immediately.

If you are inviting guests over then serve on the side red chilli flakes, coconut milk, or Siracha.

For a dramatic effect pour hot broth over defrosted potstickers tableside and have the boiling broth cook the potsticker.

Serve with a Thai Beer or Lemongrass infused water/

Cheers to a great way to keep warm this fall and winter!


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