Fun Ways to Slim Down this Summer

How do you get your steps in and cardio on in a heat advisory?

We found some great fun ways to get fit and slim it down this summer:

1. Soul Cycle for a Charity-
Last week it is when they had there Soul Cycle for Save the Music Foundation where you listened to Jason Durelo music for 45 min. and worked up a sweat.

2. Stretching and Yoga at BlogHer-
Where the top bloggers in the country convened so did the most amazing experience of stretching and Yoga in a cool dark room, with other like minded individuals.

3. Well and Good
They had on that same day Yoga at the Beach in Montauk, LI at Surf's Lodge. You could have participated or hung out on the beach with others drinking healthy cocktails or have your hair braided.
check out activities such as Hip Hop Yoga or Cardio on the Beach at the end of August.

Of course SELF magazine got us on the right foot at the beginning of the summer with their round robin day of different work out options in the city.

Cheers to summer slim down!


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