We Heart This... In Beauty

We are all for natural and a healthy lifestyle, and I am sure most of us have eliminated a lot from your diet or medicine cabinet.

However for the last several weeks we have come across something's that we HEART!

1. Sabon Lime Mint Soap:
This soap is made with plant glycerin, and natural essential oils. It comes by the pound and for 8.49 it is a wonderful treat. There are seasonal scents such as Mango, however our favorite is Lime Mint, it works well with any perfume.

2. LUSK:
Speaking of perfume, we were given samples of this incredible 100 percent oil based perfume or cologne either men or women can wear it, this scent is amazing! With the base being sandalwood, it is so wonderful.

3. 7 Free is BIG in the world of Cosmetics:
7 Free or 5 free means that 7 to 5 harmful chemicals that are found in nail polish are removed. So we were at Whole Foods getting dinner and a man was there selling his nail polish and nail polish remover so we bought his Indie line and Pacifica which is a more known brand of five free and they both stood up to the mid week crunch. I would wear this everyday and other brands with a gel over coat on special occasions.

4. M-A-C Pigments:
Now for things with chemicals, M-A-C has this new thing that are called pigments and for $10.00 a little dab will do you, if you want that warm shimmer of a summer bronzed look then, melon a dab on the eyes and lips will do over your shadow or lip gloss.

5. Facial Soap: Bamboo and Charcoal Based Soap
This soap has a glowing effect, it leaves your skin amazingly soft and supple. It is highly concentrated and only comes in small thick blocks and a little lather will do you.

So this is what we are hearting this month!

Cheers and Make It a Good One!


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