Why Less Is More

When I tried the latest beauty trends such as strobe and highlights, with blue eye shadow and pink hair extensions,

This what I got....

1. Face rash from all that foundation, primer and blush and highlights.

2. Blue eyeshadow, a lot of laughs.

3. Pink hair extensions, or clip ons, some asking me if I was into magic.

When I didn't where any of that stuff:
1. My face cleared up.

2. Eyes were simple, eyeliner  or mascara.

3. Simple nude lip gloss with a slight shimmer.

4. Natural hair color

The results:
1. Felt better about myself.
2. No one laughing.
3. More people were attracted to me.
4. Better business offers.

What I learned???
1.Most people who wear excessive make up are seen as insecure and having some thing to hide.

2. Most trends should not be tried by people who have extremely sensitive skin, such as myself.

3. Make Up even drugstore brands are expensive!

4. Experimental trends are great to try once and while, but know your industry and the people that you want in your life and follow and be your truest self.

Cheers to being the best YOU naturally!


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