Beauty Spot Splurge Edition

This edition of the Beauty Spot is not how well you can save money, but it is about the best natural products on the market.

Store: RAIN in Rockefeller Center,NYC

This store is 100 percent organic with free trade agreements from all over Africa and South America.

Bath Fizz
The one I chose is Rose Petal and lavender infused so drop that into your bath and let the week's worries drain out of your system.

Baobab and Olive Oil Soap
This soap is Olive Oil and charcoal based but is infused with rosemary and eucalyptus for healing properties.

Vanilla Essential Oils
When you infuse this with Sweet Orange oil in coconut oil and use as a moisturerizer don't be surprised if your boyfriend or husband begins to notice you a lot more.

Cape Malva Essential Oil
Again you can infuse this with pure organic Olive Oil and you mood will balance out especially due to PMS depression will be lifted. This is how powerful the oil is, but is the most expensive oil.

Total price for everything was over 50.00. But these products are well worth it and you will get more for your money in the end.

Cheers to enjoying great healing beauty products!


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