Father's Day Gift Guide: French Style

It's the last minute and you need a gift for your Father, but he has everything, so what do you do?

Give him a bit of France and here is our gift guide thanks to www.frenchwink.com
and www.martialvivot.com.

If your dad is a traveler for business or pleasure, then it is:
Jean Rousseau- This company specializes in traditional leather craftsmanship from bags, smartphone and tablet cases.

This slipper will be the ultimate rage because of it's uniqueness, which is an amazing blend of felt and suede lined with fleece it comes in all colors from bright blue to navy to black. The company is Manufacture Degorce.

If had wears glasses then Emmanuelle Kirsch glasses cases in rare leather and animal inspired embellishments makes him stand out in a crowd.

Monsieur Brunold is a gentleman's clothier and made to measure atelier creating suits, jackets, shirts, and topcoats.

Every dad needs socks and what better than La Chaussette Francaise which is a family owned company that continues its tradition of a couture socks collection that is 100 percent handmade in France.

And our final pick is the Obag which is a fashionable bag that is designed to carry everything from bottles of water to wine to energy drinks.

Collections will be on sale along side Martial Vivot Grooming Collection  at www.martialvivot.com from now until September 18, 2016.

Cheers to spoiling your Dad to the best France has to offer!


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