Beauty Spot : Subcription Boxes

A couple of months ago we said we were going back to subcription boxes. Because we checked out our beauty bills for the month and it was  outrageous.

Especially since we noticed we were always buying new products. So how did we do...

First thing there are so many beauty boxes out there, it's  so hard to believe and choose. However, we whittled it down to  two and it's the two that are associated  with major media publications.

So you ask???

We noticed that other subscription boxes had a  two for one  deal on boxes that  didn't  sell. Red Flag this means they  are  giving  you old beauty products,  which  is not cool.

Allure is the most popular of all the  beauty  boxes and last month the samples coincided with the  Nordstrom Annual  Beauty Sale, so  that was a  plus  and we went to get  our  mid summer needs.

Essence is another box for women of color  and is also associated with magazine.

Note Allure is owned by Conde Nast and Essence is own by Time Inc.

Therefore they are not going to  recycle products or give back logs because there reputation  is on the  line.

The  reason we liked both boxes is for two different  reasons.
Essence focuses more on hair care we noticed,  which is excellent and made me a loyal  customer to a Keratin Treatment protein pack. Also you are more likely to get  new products that are just about to  launch.

Allure is mainstream products for all types of people. All of  there products are mainstream and they even have  Back to  School boxes for high school and college students. And Allure Beauty Thrills boxes are more expensive,  but if you  have guests for summer and winter holiday months, they are well worth the  try.

The  beauty company that is going to be the next major thing is  Pur-lisse. They have them in both boxes and the moisturizer does leave your  skin  feeling amazing.

Some people complain,  but that  is  what  happened to  Juice Beauty,  they flooded the  subscription boxes and Goop bought  part of the company now  it's a  prestige luxury item.

So, we look forward to our monthly beauty swag and we hope you enjoy your boxes!



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