Tip of the Iceberg: The 1 Percent

Over the past few weeks, I have read several motivation books and listened to numerous pod casts.

Here's why the one percent or as I think of it top 10 percent of people achieve great success.

Characteristics of Successful People :
1. Willingness to fail.
2. Willingness to have your character malaligned.
3. Willingness to be betrayed.
4. Willingness to do something repetition.
5. Willingness to be alone.
6. Giving Spirit

Most people at the first chance of adversity they pivot or course  correct,  or take themselves out of the game completely.

In listening to several successful people they all were willing to do the work.
Lisa Nichols:
Sat in a  workshop 42 times, until they asked her to facilitate the workshop and she is  now an owner of the first publicly traded  motivation company in the world.
Tony Robbins :
He read more than 200 books and worked for a motivational speaker before being one.
Simon Cowell
After he declared bankruptcy,  went back to work,  he sat in the office of London 's or the world's top record producer to learn how to put musicians together to form bands.

These are just a few examples of  people who have excelled publicly and listening to there stories they all faced the six principles above.

So, as we move forward into this last quarter of the year,  we should check ourselves as to do we really want massive success because if so the above is what you must be willing to pay.

Cheers to success!


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