Ditching Thanksgiving: Two Perfect Places to Go

 So you and your significant other have decided that you guys had enough, and sticking around for another family event is taxing; especially after working longs hours. But, you still want that country rustic feel. 

Check Out My Picks!

NYS Wine Country and the North America Geneva
The Finger Lake region is the home to some of NYS finest wines in fact, wine trails are abundant and most wineries ship their products anywhere. The scenery is still breath taking and Cayuga Lake is the largest of the Finger Lakes, and the sunsets are amazing!

There is a wonderful Bread and Breakfast,  I‘m told called Juniper Hill which is uber- romantic and nestled on 4 park-like acres, there is also the Lake Front Inn, which resembles  the rolling hills of Tuscany, check their websites for availability and dates as always.  And if you like great foods check out the famous Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca. The best way to get to these places are by car and they have a one way bus- Red and Tan lines that specialize in this area.

Another Pick- Northern Geneva: Quebec, Canada
Since, the Finger Lakes are only four hours from Canada, you may want to road trip a little further to our Northern neighbors in Canada. Based on recommendations, Quebec is French speaking and is as close to Geneva, without actually going to Switzerland and they have wonderful crepes and at night the city is beautifully lit.


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