Gift Ideas for the Teen to College Age Student!

As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approach, and looking at our gift giving list you wonder what to give the ever changing Teen and College Age Group.
Here are my picks that go over well without fail:
Tween/Teen Girls:
Gift Cards are the BEST: Here are the top retailers for this group!
1. Sephora and Ulta Beauty Stores:
Tweens-nail polish and nail art, body washes.
Teens-makeup such as Benefit, Fresh, Urban Decay, and Sephora brands, nail polish, nail art and body washes, lastly roller ball perfumes such as Juicy Coutre, Wonderstruck, and Someday by Justin Bieber
2. Forever 21- Teens aand Young Adults, love this store, whenever school is closed in my neighborhood, this store is packed with this demographic from all over.
3.Hollister- This is another maven for this group, this is where they go to get casual clothes, and if you go to the one on Madison Ave. and you have to wait on line it has a club feel to it, this group likes this type of environment.
4. Abercromie& Finch-- Teen girls and some Older women love to look at the male models, while they are waiting to get into the store.
If you are trying to ween your young adult off of clothes, the next thing they love is:
1. Anything One Direction, and Justin Bieber
2. Tickets to Jingle Ball in your city.
3. Ski Trips
4a. Apple Store- Girls are really into tech as well.
4. Cooking Days with their friends- everyone is concerned with childhood obesity crisis, however many health concious tween/teen girls want one day, where they can make brownies, cookies, eat mac and cheese and chicken fingers without worrying about their parents lecture of the obesity crisis. Just One Day though!
Teen Boys and Young Adults are different though:
Gift Cards reign with this group as well: Popular Retailers such as:
1. Hollister- They love this store.
2. The Gap- For shirts, jeans, stylish jackets, hats, and caps.
3. Abercomie & Finch- Love the jeans and stylish shirts
3. Sports Authority- Sneakers, favorite sports teams jersey's, etc.
4. Modell's- same as above
5. Apple Store- this age group loves all things gadgets, from mini-ipads, to iphones,

Guys are really into grooming beyond Axe, especially teen boys, my suggestions of course is a box from
Once again, if you are trying break you youngster from the shopping scene:
1. Tickets to a sporting event.
2. Sports Day- Go to your local rec. center or sports club and organize a day of basketball, bowling, soccer, and indoor flagg football.
3. Day of Fun- Dave and Busters, Skating Parties, Ski Trips
4. Day of Chill- Organize a day when your sons friends come over and they can play video games, eat their favorite foods, and watch appropriate movies.

These are fool-proof ways to meet the demands of your teen and college age children.


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