How to REALLY Save this Holiday Season

We've heard of couponing and deal clubs,  but I am certain you can even save even more on your holiday shopping needs.

1. Bank Card Option-
Find out if your bank has a points options associated with your debit card. If this is the case use the credit option of your debit card this way you can accrue points with your purchases. Remember, that caftan, that someone told me looked like I got it fom Barney's, it was purchased via my points.

2. Credit Card Points--
This really does work, I was able to purchase several books strictly through points. If you have enough points then, they will send you vouchers for restaurants through their participating partners.

3. Certain professions are given discounts at certain stores-
Culinary & special events- William Sonoma, certain catering supply companies would give a discount if you are in the profession.

4. Being a Loyal Customer- Local Businesses-
This great bistro that I go to for brunch in the West Village, knows me because I was their first customer, I can remember wanting a fruit plate and the chef whose wife served as the wait staff made me an incredible swan out of pears and and apples. Whenever, I go the take off a little something or allow me to "taste" certain wines and foods.

4a. Being a Kind Loyal Customer-National Company
Whenever, I want a certain type of tea, I call one place and without fail because I have been a great customer, they give me a discount as well.

5. Business Owners Love Referrals!
If you know of a great business especially a service business then, by all means referrals can work wonders in your favor.

6. Alumni Clubs-
Many alumni clubs in major cities have discounts on things such as auto insurance, car rentals, and  restaurants, and sometimes special events.

Those are my tips for saving even more during the holiday season!




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