Building on JOY!


Yeah, the holiday season for some isn't so joyus. Memories of lost loved ones, or failed marriages, or tradegies.

However, being POSITIVE, I find whenever, I am tempted to go down self-pity party lane or "they don't care street. I pause and think about... JOY!

None's life has ever been so bad that you can't think of a happy time.

 Especially, during this season, my mother still loves Christmas and having her holiday parties is one way that brings JOY into her life and the lives of our family. So instead of me going into my previous party planner mode and "planning" HER celebration, I do things when it is absolutely neccessary.

Another way to find the JOY in this season, is classic holiday movies such as:

1. Home Alone-- all three
2. Trains, Planes, and Automobiles-- really funny!
3. Space Balls (This is old but it is a Mel Brooks classic)
4. Charlie Brown Christmas
5. Santa Clause with Tim Allen

If you are having a family gathering, I suggest after the traditional family dinner and gift exchange, that you select one of these movies. I am certain that kids of all ages would love them.

Also, I know I am excited to see the Circ Du Soeil movie in 3D coming out Dec. 21.

To avoid lines, buy tickets at

Cheers and Build on that JOY!!!


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