Spotlight on Goodness- Seth Cochran/Operation OF

One, hot August afternoon, while doing research, I came across an article about a MAN who is the leading the way on maternal and reproductive rights.

Since, this U.S. election cycle this has become a hot item issue where woman's reproductive rights have been challenged, I decided to contact him. After a lengthy conversation and several months of e-mail correspondence,  I determined that he and his organization is the real deal!


Seth Cochran an Ivy League grad working as a financial manager at ADC Telecom in Berlin.

He was in charge of a $169 million budget with seven factories across Europe, clearly he was on the fast track to "make good coin"; however he had a yearning to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

According to Seth being a financial success "couldn't make up for the feeling that he wasn't doing something that really mattered, while at his corporate job he built up ADC's corporate foundation activities in Germany, creating a structure he scaled to several other countries, yet that still wasn't enough.

In March, 2008 he left his job to become a full-time social entrepreneur, his friend told him about a condition that affects millions of women in Africa. The condition is called Obsteric Fiistula- this is caused during prolonged labor where there is a gap or or fistula in the tissue seperating a women's bladder from her vagina leading to incontience and ostracism.

After learning of this condition Seth then formed Operation OF, which supports local African groups in not only in the logistics of treating patients, but also in helping the patients reintegrate into society using microcredit.

He hopes the model will spread worldwide "By empowering local people to do the work, we can find a woman with a fistula in the most remote village, get her treatment, train her as an entrepreneur and get her started in a business for around $400.00. "

"This is a profound value given her state of mind when we find the woman and her subsequent potential to positively transform the same community that rejected her."

So in the "Season of Giving", please consider empowering a woman's life by donating to



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