Day Two Of Gifts: Nest Candles

Back in the Fall, they won the battle of the candles.  In fact, as I am writing this now, my office smells of the lastest scent.

Back to the gift, I found a great deal on authentic Nest Luxury Votive Candles on, a box of six votives for $40.00, one candle retail's for $32.00, and it is a box of the best scents.

Great for the person who is constantly stressed out, aromatherapy works wonder for the nerves. Also, it is a great hostess gift, a gift for one of your child's parent's--who helped you out during the year.

For that special touch was I took one of the great votive holders, I got at and put one of the candles in them, two per dinner party guest.

Nest Candles are my abosolute favorite gift.


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