Desserts for Grown- Ups!

You are having your in-laws over and they view cupcakes as for kids.

What do you do for dessert?

Here is a proven dessert that would have any mother law, singing your praises:

Lemon Pound Cake:
1. 1 Box of Yellow Cake Mix
2. 2 Lemons
3. Snowflake Sprinkles- Left over from the buying bonanza from Christmas
4. Vanilla Frosting
5. Bread Pan
6. PAM Spray

1. Prepare Yellow Cake Mix as directed.
2. Pour batter into the oiled bread pan- Use PAM
3. Grate some lemon zest over the top of the cake.
4. Bake as instructed.
5. As cake is baking- slice your lemons
6. Wash your cake pedestal
7. Line it with dollies
8. Make sure your frosting is at room temperature- easy to spread.
9. When cake comes out of the oven, make certain it is cooled for at least 25 min.
10. Flip in on the cake pedestal
11. Frost with a butter knife
12. When the cake is frosted put the sliced lemons down the center of the cake
13. Have fun with the snowflake sprinkles.
14. Put the rest of the lemons on the around the pound cake.
15. Cover the cake

When I made this cake, it tasted like pound cake, and the texture was of pound cake as well.
The lemon was refreshing because it was a hint of lemon and nothing too overpowering.

Worked out well!

Cheers to a Spring time dessert that Grown-Ups would surely love!


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