Women's History Month: Thanks Men!

We had to do a piece on Women's History Month right?

We took a survey at all the Women's History issues out there and they have it covered.

But, we would like to thank the millions of men, who stand up for women and women's equality everyday.

1. The men of India who in the wake of the brutal gang rape and death of that young woman, the men of India took to streets to protest and demand protection for women.

2. The late Tupac Shakur- whose song "Keep Ya Head Up!" depicts the injustices that women still face on a daily basis.

3. The group Men Against Rape- whose members organize and put political pressure on government officials to pass laws against rape.

4. The husbands, boyfriends, sons, who listen, connsole, and support us on a daily basis.

Thanks for being there we love you!


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