The Key to Success: Rising Above Failure
Here are some key tips to for everyone to refer to as they move forward toward their goals: Key #1: Expect People to Laugh and Humiliate You I distinctly remember reading in the book By Invitation Only by the Founders of Gilt, when they went to pitch VC on the importance of their business that one person laughed at the idea, another potential investor put the phone on mute and did financial analysis for another client, then when they joined the conference call referred to them as the previous client. Key#2: Be Overprepared People don't trust people, key fact. So when a potential investor or employe asks for a simple plan, always be prepared to give them more than what they asked, people who are curious and who want to potential invest will ask questions, they will test you with different scenarios, think Game Theory 101. Key#3: Accept Honest Feedback: When someone gives you honest feedback such as we want you to work on a prototype or we you ...