July's Beauty Spot

Here are the products that we LOVE!

1. Refresh Acne Regimen
With the summer high temps., we needed notice breakouts as though we were teens.
This three steps all natural product make from Willow Bark is great and we saw amazing results!
1. Daily Acne Wash that is mild enough to use daily without drying out skin.
2. 5 Minute Mask that is amazing because it is foam based.
3. Leave on serum that one can wear that is great.
Kudos to this product and for the kit it is 14.95.
Purchased this at Duane Reade

2. Pedicure Set
This set comes with a packet of three 1. Scrub-exfolitator, 2. Mask, 3. Lotion
The scent is a great lemon, leaves our toes and feet feeling great!
Purchased at our friends at Birchbox.

3. Castille Soap--Lavendar Scent
This soap leaves your skin feeling great yet very clean. Use as your daily shower gel.

Cheers to having great skin and feeling great in the summer heat!



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