The Beauty Spot: IPY BLUSH, Urban Decay, Shea Moisturizer

We are finally winding down in terms of summer. There are some products that can go into the fall that we just love!!

IPY Blush- Peach Glow- We snagged this actually at BeautyCon and it is amazing! It goes on peach but has a gold under tone, so you don't have to use any highlighting powder, it is so subtle yet gorgeous.

Wild Grow- If you have had any problems with hair breakage and fall out this is the product, I used this in the winter when I saw that I had bald spots and I use this very often, not only did it regrow my hair along with vitamins, but it is amazing. It is plant based and the base of this product is Jamaican Castor Oil, which is known to naturally regrow hair.

Aunt Jackie's Natural Shampoo and Conditioner- We wanted to know what this "natural products" that are not mainstream was all about and we found this brand that was based in flaxseed oil. We tried it and once again, the thickness of our hair was amazing!

Urban Decay- Heat Palate
The Urban Decay Heat Palate is great, we chose the lipstick heat, which is a red brick color with gold tones, it is absolutely amazing!

It is all about the EYES!!

We used Shea Moisturizers crayon eyeliner to create a smoky eye look with Urban Decay's Smoky and Moondust eye palate, and we got amazing compliments! It was amazing how well and how long the products lasted.

Perfume or Scents

We have been wearing Michael Kors Wanderlust, and for whatever reason, people have told us we smell awesome!

That is our mid to end of summer beauty recap....



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