Battle of the Lip Gloss: Dior, M-A-C, Sephora, and Revlon

It's Fashion Night Out in NYC, and we have to get ready for all the fab events, from at on Fifth Ave to Solange DJ'ing at in the Meat Packing District.

So, we have to look our best at all times, which brings me to today battle of the lip glosses.

I prefer lip glosses to matte lipsticks because they always give that "dressed up" look with anything  a person wears.

Over the years, I have bought A LOT of lip glosses.

So, which of the high end lip glosses stack up? Givency, Dior, or M-A-C?

First, for the evening I have always used either a plum or red, or brown frost, again it just heightens your look.

I used Givency for a while and although it had a great stain, I did have re-apply, maybe once during the night. Then, Dior plum and red, the plum lip gloss was great! It lasted through out the night and it looked great especially with navy, silver, and black evening gowns. However, the red was a different story, I think Vaseline stayed on longer than this particular lip gloss.

So for a great investment, I select Givency and Dior, plum colors for a evening out.

Now, it comes down to everyone's favorite M-A-C, which moderately priced and has long lasting pigment. My favorites are Oooh Baby, the plum color, and fire red. When I am going out for dinner or running errands with a neutrals and browns-- I always go for Ooh Baby, it gives that shimmer with out being in your face.

OK, final stretch Sephora brand or Revlon?

Well, for years I used Revlon, until they discontinued the color I used and it did last a much longer time than the current Sephora brand lip gloss, and the price point is the same.

So, the winners of this battle for high-end luxury dead even Dior and Givency but go for the plum colors.

M-A-C is the stand out in this category for everyday wear.

And Revlon for that category.

Hope that gives you all that you need to glam for Fashion Night Out 2012 or for any event.

Pucker Up!


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