Calling all Fashion Designers! Check out Third Wave Fashion

Entrepreneur’s Corner: Third Wave Fashion: Interview- Co-Founder Liza Kindred

Everybody wants to look good, but ever go into a store and think I can design better than that, or have great fashion idea, but no designer or Venture Capital backing. 

Well, Third Wave Fashion has what you need. Recently, I spoke with Co- Founder Liza, of Third Wave Fashion, to find out how her company is meeting the growing needs of Fashion Tech entrepreneurs.

What is your background in Fashion and Tech?
Liza: “I was always interested in fashion, and I did have my own clothing boutique, which closed, then I freelance in the fashion world for several years- doing everything from photo styling, event planning, model prep’s for fashion shows, until I was approached about 6 years ago to join a tech startup. Working for a tech startup is extremely fast paced, but I learned everything about how to successfully run a tech startup and was introduced to the players within the tech space, but…."
Follow your calling…
Liza: “Although the tech startup was great, my passion was still in fashion and as I saw with newer technologies such as augmented reality, I knew the fashion industry could really capitalize on this, plus I still maintained my contacts in the fashion world, so hence Third Wave Fashion was created.”
What is the core of Third Wave Fashion?
Liza: “Third Wave Fashion is the only consulting firm that matches fashion designers, business people, and technologists to create viable fashion tech businesses. If a client comes to me with an idea for clothing line, we would then match them based on their needs to either a business person or someone in the tech space to bring that vision to life. We are about starting and growing viable fashion businesses. When we do take on clients, it is on a fee basis and not a percentage of their business. We have found the fee base structure works well.” 
What is in the future for Third Wave Fashion?
Liza: “Currently we hold information based events, this past spring, we had a meet up “How Fashion Tech Startups get Funded” some our panelists included; Ari Goldberg, CEO of Style Caster and Charlie O’Donnell, of Brooklyn Bridge Ventures. However, we are currently working on establishing an incubator, solely dedicated to Fashion Tech based ventures, were we hope that all people have more access to a variety of products and we can build a loyal shopping community for our companies."
Lastly, What three “nuggets” of wisdom, for any entrepreneur?
  • 1.       Create a business that adds value to your consumers- “Business can do well!” so it is important to honor your customers, by giving them the best product or service.
  1. 2.       Believe in Yourself- Out of 10,000 NO’s, there will always be that YES to your golden opportunity.
  1. 3.       Again- create value- Capture a portion of the marketplace that really needs your goods and GO FOR IT!!
A Sincere Thanks to Liza, Co- Founder of Third Wave Fashion, check them out at


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